
Feldenkrais Classes in Melbourne

The Feldenkrais Method facilitates learning about movement, posture and breathing to ultimately increase the ease and range of movement and improved flexibility and co-ordination, amongst other benefits.

Through gentle movement lessons, we become more aware of how our habits may restrict our moving through life easily and pleasurable. We learn new, easier options for movement.

Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984) trained in mechanical and electrical engineering. A keen interest in martial arts, and a personal knee injury, provided the impetus which led him to a lifetime study of the structure and function of humankind and the relationship between development, education and movement.

The Method is taught through both Individual Functional Integration (FI) and Group lessons Awareness Through Movement (ATM). Learn more about our group feldenkrais lessons in Melbourne.

“Life is movement, without movement there can be no life”

                       Moshe Feldenkrais

To learn more, watch Moshe Feldenkrais on YouTube.

Gemarja Lomas
A nationally registered physiotherapist trained in the Netherlands and a Feldenkrais practitioner, graduate of the first Melbourne professional Feldenkrais Training Program in 1991.

Robin Laurie
Feldenkrais practitioner, graduate of the second Melbourne Feldenkrais professional Training Program 2001.

Watch the videos below to learn more about Feldenkrais

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